Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Economic Geography

Natural Resources
-Renewable resources will replace themselves over time
  example : soil, water, and forests

Nonrenewable Resources
-Nonrenewable resources are resources that will not replace themselves,
once they are used, they are GONE
  example : fossil fuels(oil, coal, natural gas), and metals(gold, iron, copper, and bauxite)

Human Resources
-Human resources : People and their minds
-Human resources are affected by level of education, skilled or unskilled labor, and if managerial or entrepreneurial abilities are needed

Capital Resources
-Capital resources are resources that can be used to make more of something, like money or tools
-Key features of capital are the availability of money for lending, the level of infrastructure, the availability and use of tools, machines, and technologies

Three levels of economic activity
-Primary Activities - dealing directly with natural resources
  example : fishing, farming, mining, and forestry
-Secondary Activities - manufacturing and processing of natural resources
  example : steel mills, automobile assembly, sawmills

3rd Level of Economic Activity
-Tertiary Activities - service industries
  example : transportation, retail trade, informational technology services

Energy resources and technology as they have changed over time
-wood - deforestation
-coal - pollution, mining problems, competition with oil and gas
-petroleum(oil, gas) - transportation and environmental considerations

Energy resources and technology as it has changed over time. cont.
-Nuclear - contamination, disposal of waste
-Solar or Wind - cost, aesthetics

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Class

Today, we was work on blue work sheet about population.
First of all, we found each five continents, Asia, Europe, Latin Africa, North Africa, Africa.
We found Crude Death/Birth Rate, Population Rate of five each continents.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Population Pyramids, Demographic Transitions

a. Stage 1: High birth rate, high death rate; very slow growth, low RNI. In preindustrial society, death rates and birth rates were birth high and fluctuated rapidly according to natural events, such as drought and disease, to produce a relatively constant and young population. Children contributed to the economy of the household from an early age by carrying rater, firewood and messages, caring for younger siblings, sweeping, washing dishes, preparing food, and doing some work in the fields.

b. Stage 2: Death rate falls dramatically, birth rate remains high; high RNI. A consequences of the decline in CDR in Stage Two is an increasingly rapid rise in population growth, called the "population explosion"), as the gap between deaths and births grows wider.

c. Stage 3: Death rate remains low, birth rate drops; RNI slows. Stage Three moves the population towards stability through a decline in the birth rate.

d. Stage 4: Death rate low, birth rate low, low RNI (as in Stage 1). This occurs where birth and death rates are both low. Therefore, the total population is high and stable.

*Highest RNI is in Stage 2*

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Population Pyramids and the Demographic Transition

  • To understand the components of the population pyramid
  • To understand that the statistics represented in a popualtion pyramid can help human geographies determine what will happen to a country's population
  • Students should be able to gather annd analye population pyramids to determine a nation's

Population Pyramids
  • Graphically represent the age and gender distribution of a certain population
  • Can be represented by region or by country
  • hep human geographers determine what is happening to individual populations across the globe

Elements of the Population Pyramid
    • age: population pyramids wisually present the population of a particular country broken down by age
    • gender: population pyramid ate split. One side presents the number of males in a particular population; the other reflects the number of females within the same population

  • Young and Old populations: Percentage of population under age 15: global average is 30 percent, low is 17 percent(Europe); high of 42 percent(Africa); high number indicates great potential for future growth; Percentage of population over age 65: identifies need for health care and other social services
  • Life expectancy: average number of years a person is expected to live; affected by many factors

Generation Baby Boomer

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Geopolitics Essay

Geopolitics Essay

 A geopolitics, a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state. And a government policy also guided by geopolitics. The North Korea President Kim Jung-Ill, he never allows that North Korea people want to be free. Therefore, the president Kim Jung-Ill limited their country through geopolitics. At this time, the relation between the North Korea and South Korea politics are very strict such as a Sudan and the way that geography affects politics. Like this, Geopolitics is concerned with politics and the way that geography affects politics or relations between countries.

 The Apartheid is concerned with Geopolitics, the apartheid was a political system in South-Africa in which people were divided into racial groups and kept apart by law. The Apartheid is very serious problem that is discrimination between Africa people(The discrimination is the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups). So the first South Africa president, Mandela led his party in the negotiations that led to multi-racial democracy in 1994. Mandela was an anti-apartheid activities, and the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress. Mandela described the move to armed struggle as a last resort; years of increasing repression and violence from the state convinced him that many years of non-violent protest against apartheid had not and could not achieve any progress. Mandela and ANC party members were barred from entering the United States except to visit the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan without a special waiver from the US Secretary of State, because of their South African apartheid government are designation as terrorists.

 The Geopolitics also has many problems kinds of war, like holocaust, refugee, and colonialism. A holocaust is an event in which there is a lot of destruction and many people are killed, especially one caused by war. When 1930-40 holocaust by Nazi. The colonialism is the practice by which a powerful country directly controls less powerful countries and uses their resources to increase its own power and wealth. So some countries had colonialism from Africa.  It is also general illegal, and we have restrain obligation about some country’ propaganda. And the Africa people came to be refugee. So refugees ate people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country some of the refugees either because there is a war there or because of their political or religious beliefs.

 The most important problem is genocide. Genocide is the deliberate murder of a whole community or race. In some of countries still have genocides. Genocide is general illegal obligation and we have to stop doing that, because they have human rights so we have to protect their human rights. So, genocide is general illegal obligation, so we have to stop genocide. The United Nation have obligation about genocide problem. Because the genocide is general illegal obligation murder of a whole world or race, so some countries had colonialism from Africa.